Your Clever Home
EcoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne
accredited automation professional is your most highly qualified and experienced single point
of contact for your home automation.
What is an "EcoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" professional? |
- "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" is a new group of specialist C-Bus
Systems Integrators from which you can expect to receive above a certain
standard of home automation service.
- "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" is also a certification being marketed
by Schneider Electric to home owners, architects, builders, interior designers, and specifiers that
supersedes the previous "Clipsal C-Bus pointOne home automation professional" certification.
- For better home automation support you should ensure that your "home automation professional"
is at least an "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" certified home automation Systems
What does pointOne mean? |
- With their broader automation knowledge and experience, an "ExoExpert Room and Light
Control pointOne" Systems
Integrator may provide the design, project management, installation,
integration, programming and support of Clipsal C-Bus automation - and the integration of
Clipsal C-Bus automation with other automation products.
- Your "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" C-Bus
Systems Integrator shoule be your first and only one point (i.e. pointOne)
of contact to facilitate your home automation project.
Who approves "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" members? |
- Clipsal and Schneider Electric currently approve each "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne"
accredited automation professional" if they have above a prescribed level of knowledge and experience
in home automation, and if they are prepared to abide by the associated contractural requirements and responsibilities.
How professional is an "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" home
automation specialist? |
- "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" accredited automation "professionals" are likely to be
more professional than non-pointOne electricians, HiFi store employees and others
seeking to profit from selling you automation products without proper support.
- Most "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" accredited automation "professionals" other than
Clever Home
are however electricians or technicians without the degree or formal qualification normally associated
with an occupational profession.
How professional is Clever Home? |
- At Clever Home you consult directly with your own Clever Home Engineer who has earned a
formal degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and has years of practical home
automation experience.
- Clever Home is additionally your most highly qualified C-Bus
Systems Integrator, and you should expect your home automation project
to benefit correspondingly.
What is the difference between a Systems Integrator, a C-Bus
Systems Integrator, and an "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" accredited
home automation professional? |
- Clipsal initially accredited those Systems Integrators with sufficient knowledge and
experience with Clipsal C-Bus automation and more general integration skills as C-Bus
Systems Integrators.
- However, home owners too easily missed the distinction between "Systems Integrator" (which
anyone may call themselves), and the more specific term "C-Bus
Systems Integrator".
- The term "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne" accredited integration professional" helps
avoid this confusion by being more clearly different to "Systems Integrator".
- C-Bus
Systems Integrators are essentially being rebadged as "ExoExpert Room and Light Control pointOne"
accredited integration professionals, and more actively marketed under this banner.

is Clipsal C-Bus?
is a Clipsal C-Bus Approved Installer?
What is a
Clipsal C-Bus Systems Integrator? |