Classy C-Bus home automation touch screen
- View floor plans showing the status of home
automation lights, ceiling
fans, blinds,
& watering
you can schedule or control with a touch.
- Easily view and control multiple dimming
levels and set entire lighting scenes at a touch.
- Touch screen remote control support from your
seat or bed, using IR remote transmitters.
- Saturn glass, Neo style
or stainless steel fascias.
- Attractive flush mount in-wall or desktop designs.
- C-Bus Logic Engine, LAN and Serial RS-232 port home automation control
options available.
- Connects directly to your C-Bus system
- Free PICED touch panel configuration software.
- Compare
C-Bus touch screen features.
5080CTC3 5050CTC3 5050CT2 5050CTL2
5080CT2 5080CTL2 C-5000CT2

C-Bus Colour C-Touch Screen User Guide
Clipsal C-Bus Spectrum Colour C-Touch Brochure
Clipsal C-Bus Spectrum Colour C-Touch User Guide
C-Bus B&W C-Touch Screen Brochure
C-Bus B&W C-Touch Screen User Guide
Clipsal C-Bus B&W Desktop C-Touch User Guide
More than just touch
C-Bus touch screens are sophisticated home automation controllers. When properly
programmed by a professional C-Bus Systems Integrator,
a C-Bus touch screen becomes the brains of your home automation, and your window into it.
C-Bus touch screens interface directly to your wired
system, and can implement detailed floor plans that clearly illustrate the state of your
lights and appliances,
heating and
cooling, and C-Bus multi-room audio - and
allow you to easily control them. C-Bus touch screens can also support irrigation control,
very large scenes or lists of tasks, and a large number of home automation schedules. If
you choose a C-Bus touch screen that includes a C-Bus logic engine, then a whole new level
of flexibility and capability becomes available to you. The smaller C-Bus touch screen home
automation controllers also have a front-facing USB port that acts as a wired PC interface
for temporary PC connection to your C-Bus for making C-Bus programming channges. The larger
6.4 inch C-Bus C-Touch screens support a LAN IP interface for viewing and controlling
home IP surveillance cameras,
and integrating with 3rd party devices using IP communications. On these larger screens you
may also view website pages, including popular information such as current
weather radar
and rainfall images from the Bureau of Meteorology, TV guides, etc.
Being dedicated home automation controllers, you can expect a
properly programmed and installed C-Bus touch screen to be operate for years without
needing to be replaced, unlike PCs, smart phones, or Internet tablets. Proper thermal
management, sound in-wall mounting, genuine glass fascias, all contribute to these
home automation controllers being a longer-term proposition than simply putting a consumer-grade
touch screen in a plastic in-wall bracket. If the time comes when you would like to upgrade,
Clipsal has a history of releasing successive Touch screen home automation controller
versions that are designed to fit into the same in-wall apertures as the preceeding versions.
Latest Version 3 Colour Touch screen home automation controller.
There has never been a better time to ask Clever Home to add a large C-Bus colour touch
screen to your home automation project, or to upgrade your existing Version 1 or 2 C-Bus
touch screen. New Version 3 6.4" C-Bus touch screen home automation controllers are
now available with the following improvements:
- Substantially reduced price.
- Brighter clearer touch screen with improved contrast.
- Faster processor with more memory and reduced power consumption.
- WiFi support via 3rd party USB dongle, as well as wired LAN support.
- Uses the same external hardware case, mounting, and popular genuine glass surrounds
to make upgrading from your previous Version 1 or Version 2 C-Touch screens easier.
- Now uses a standard 24VAC 2.7A power supplys that is more easily located remotely from the touch screen.
- Supports integration of C-Bus with solar energy Xantrex Grid Tie Inverters. |